Sunday, March 11, 2012


Things change, energies shift.We have plans, ideas as to how our life should go. Then the Creator steps in and destiny occurs: sometimes good, sometimes bad. But destiny nevertheless. All you can do is be present in it.With finishing up my PhD studies, the death of my beloveded cat, and various other personal concerns, I was been pretty consumed with self-pity and sadness. And the gloomy weather didn't help much either. I'd spent weeks engulfed in my blankets, finding security in the dark solitude of my bed. Not thinking, not really sleeping, just there.Yeah, was that kind of time.

Today I've decided enough was enough. I had fully acknowledged and wallowed in my circumstances and it was time to heal and move on. As a person who has had person struggles with Affective disorders, I knew I had to do something about my mental state fast or I would get stuck and become totally non-functional. So I pulled out my yoga mat.Took a deep breath and exhale into downward facing dog, flowed through several sets of sun salutations and got grounded with some balancing poses. I finished the session with a quick meditation (10 mins) and 3 chants of "ohm shanti shanti shanti." I felt better.

Afterwards I energized my body with some fresh juice. A mix of cucumbers, asian pears, spinach, etc. I call it my Goddess blend. Then flushed with some alkaline water.

I try to live my life in a wholistic manner, recognizing that the mind, body and spirit are connected. Therefore, if an area is out of balance (the mind and spirit in this case) I correct this by doing something that will recharge this energy. Now I'm not saying go run a marathon. But do something to gently recharge the energy. Yoga and consuming live (raw) foods does this for me. It takes me to a place where I'm present and aware of my physical, mental and spiritual body. It grounds and recharges me. I especially like meditating directly following a yoga session. I'm way more centered and am able to maintain my posture for larger periods without discomfort.This practice really helps me manage depression and anxiety. Needless to say, the "dark cloud" really impeded my productivity and I've not been posting (bad blogger). I'ma do better. I promise.